ban : ban

생김새가 아름답고 빛나다
creating something beautiful and luminous


Stones and wood slowly grow, maintaining the energy of the earth while flaunting the beauty of Mother Nature. Light and dark is the delicate balance of Yin and Yang, symbolizing the continuous cycle of life.

"ban : ban" seeks to mirror and reinterpret nature and life, to create its metaverse in real-verse, through a new perspective.  Mineral clay is an important medium that creates the base of the sculpture. Adding recycled oyster shell fragments into the clay not only increases the hardness of the clay but also gives unexpected texture to the body.  Natural crystal stones collected from all around the world and preserved plants decorate the work with the energy of the earth. The color-changing light, beaming through the crystals creates a meditative and surreal atmosphere that makes the viewer to pause from the reality and to daze and meditate in a whole new way.



I mimicked the mother nature to create my dream planet. The significant mediums are natural crystal stones and preserved natural plants. It is already beautiful to just look at them but I wanted to create something even more useful and more beautiful. Since crystal quartz penetrates light, I wanted to utilize light as additional material. Integrating smart light which can change colors of your choice, to achieve a meditative and surreal atmosphere, day and night. Clay is also another important medium I use to hand build the body structure. I made my own clay recipe by mixing oyster shell fragments to not only reduce the sea pollution but also to harden the clay once dry.